Optimizing the digital experience to drive growth

 Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) can seem like a daunting term or one that also seems too good to be true. CRO has earned itself an interesting association too, such as using spammy, click baity methods to get users to click. Can increasing conversion rate really be that simple?

In my experience, the answer is yes and no. To start off, let’s define CRO:

What is Conversion Rate Optimization?

“Conversion rate optimization (CRO) is the systematic process of increasing the percentage of website visitors who take a desired action — be that filling out a form, becoming customers, or otherwise. The CRO process involves understanding how users move through your site, what actions they take, and what's stopping them from completing your goals.”

It’s important to know that CRO is a systemic process, one that involves a defined testing methodology and testing analysis procedure. 

I have personally worked with over 30+ D2C E-Commerce brands that approach their digital marketing strategy with a key emphasis on CRO - each with varying traffic volumes and key goals. Some examples being:

  1. 50,000 sessions/week, optimizing for Revenue

  2. 2,000 sessions/week, optimizing for Lead Capture

  3. 10,000 sessions/week, optimizing for Lead Capture (that will convert at a higher rate later)

  4. 15,000 sessions/week, optimizing for Add to Cart

What I’ve learned during my experience with each client was the importance of creating a custom CRO strategy that aligns with their business goals and does not sacrifice their brand equity in the process. 

That part is important.

Largely because as much as I know and believe CRO and paid acquisition is important, organic traffic and growth is invaluable especially when paired with a strong brand identity. Click-bait optimizations and tests will not bring about long term growth your company is looking for -- I say this with the utmost confidence as I’ve run all types of CRO tests and the ones that have stood the test of time are those that prioritized the user experience above all else. 

With that said, if you choose to work with me, I can guarantee the following

  1. A partnership where I care about the growth of your company as much as your own team

  2. Thoughtful responses that consider all aspects of the marketing funnel

  3. An actionable testing roadmap that takes out the guesswork

  4. Personalized coaching sessions to onboard your entire team to the world of CRO

This methodology is not strictly for on-site optimizations but can be applied to every aspect of your marketing funnel.

If you’re interested in learning, sign up below to book a consultation so I can better help you find the service that best fits your team.